Honda Hawk GT - the
2012 Project
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, some Products already available !
December 1/2011
Fits perfect, the custom Rubbers for the Injection Manifold are well designed by Luis.
November 30/2011.
Serial production of the Intake Gaskets now, we
found the correct Material !
For all those who want to put the Hawk onto Injection - ask Luis or me.
Vaccuum evacuated
Does not seem to difficult now.
Trigger Disc on Crank is 8 evenly spaced / one left out , Cam Imput need to be
made, but shouldn't be a big Deal.
Motec works well with 8/one missing.
I'll have a speech with Luis regarding his M800 Wire Harness :-)
August 06/2011.
To put the Honda Hawk onto Injection ( Motec M4, M400, M800) we used basically the Injection Manifold of the Honda Deauville, which lead into the measurement to create new intake Gaskets.
Here is the raw mold, at present we're searching for the right Material.
But Luis will fix that prob...... :-)
December 31.12.2010, the Details:
Fueltank-Dummy ( upper Part of Airbox-
Airboxvolume approx 12 Liters ! )
The Monocoque, Weight cpl. between 1.4 and
2.2 kg ( depending on customers )
December 29.12.2010 - the Hawk Setup will be available in a couple of Days
More Pictures tomorrow, means:
November 05/2010.
The Hawk Monocoque-Fueltank-Setup is finished.
We even have made a special large Airbox with a large Air-Filter, which is not pressurized by Air, so the jetting of the Carbs will be way more easy.
More Pictures of the single Components will
This Monocoque/Fueltank Setup is available now, and it takes approx 6 weeks to
build the whole Combo.
Mai 03/2008.
The Man behind this Project - Luis from Spain :
Mai 02/2008:
Mai 01/2008:
Only the Fueltank is missing now, then the Setup is complete.
April 29/2008: Luis working at the Fueltank Model
The Fueltank Model filler sprayed
The Airbox
March 22/2008.
Demolded : Fueltank Dummy + Airbox .
The Parts can be build now.
But first we use the Models of Fueltank Dummy and Airbox to create the Fueltank, then we're done with that Combo
Jan 14/2008:
Snapshot , close before we started to fab the mold .
May/June 2008 available : Fueltank / Fueltank-Cover /Monocoque/Airbox
Note : the Fueltank-Cover will NOT fit with the OEM Airbox.
Sept 30/2007
A huge Part of the modelwork is close to be done too
Hawk Fueltank ( Dummy ) close before availability , expect lots of more Pics soon:
June 22/2007 : First Monocoque Tailsection is done ( needs no Subframe ... so it's Tail and Subframe in one ).
Weight : 1266 gr - or 2,78 lbs .
Note - this Tail is the first part of a Combo , which integrates :
- Tailsection
- Fueltank
- Fueltank-Dummy (Airbox Cover)
- Airbox
This Tailsection is designed on ergonomics , means that
- ride height
- stretch to handlebars
is real different to normal Hawks ( where the Fueltank is much too long , the ride height way too deep ).
So therefore NONE of the OEM Parts will fit .
Of course this Tailsection is available from now , and you can order it for your personal Solution , but it could be worth to wait a while ,the remaining Parts will be developed this year.
July 12/2007 : Here a raw viev on the Tail/ Fueltank-Cover Combo
Oktober 26/2006 :
Some Pictures of the Modelwork of the Fueltank-Dummy .
In the End it'll be a combo with Monocoque-Tailsection,
Underseat-Fueltank .....etc , Ideal rider-Positioning too .
But this combo will be available not before June 2007 , it really takes a
Carbon or Glass Hugger Hawk.
Finally the Pollution of the Bike from the Dirt of the rear Tyre found its end .A couple of hrs less for cleaning sensitive Parts like the shock, no more pitting on the shock-spring paint and less wear of the shock seals through dirt .
Addittional I've paid attention on a few more things :
- for all those who participate trackdays , I've created enough
space for tyre warmers .
- Every excenter-adjustment regarding wheelbase is possible , the Hugger wont
contact the tyre
NEWS: The hugger is able to trim in height !
Which means that it is height-adjustable , depending on the position of the
excenter you have.
If I drill all the holes , the Hugger is adjusted to exactly 12 O'Clock
and 3/4" clearance to the wheel.
If I drill only 2 holes and add a couple of shims ,you can trim the
hugger depending on position of the wheel .
Then you only need to find then the 3rd hole , which I can pre-mark at the
min/max area .
At an order : Please let me know if you'd like to have the Hugger in a trim-able
Mounting is even easier done than typed...just mount it
Available in Glassfiber w/black
gelcoat or Carbon . Only 30% of the
weight of the OEM-Airbox (Glass-Version) , and at least 500% more Volume .
I've paid attention, that the OEM wire harness still can stay hidden behind the
Frame,even with the new waterduct .
The ultimate Solution :
Low weight
Easy installation
Permanent cool Air
Pressurized Air
Insulation against Engine Heat (carbs stay cool)
Insulation against hot Air from Radiatior ( carbs stay cool )
Airfilter included
Better throttle response
Compared to no Airbox racing-Setup it's a low noise solution with culture of
sound and no pollution of the Bike through sealed concept
The Airbox is designed for OEM-Fueltank , which is also the cover of the Airbox
then .
This way there are 3 Advantages :
- No cover , means no superfluous weight
- Maximum Volume
- Easy Access to Carburators
The Airbox will come :
- with Airfilter
- cutouts with sealings for gas-cable , choke-cable , fuelline ,
Engine-Breathing hose
- 2 x 28 cm Ignition-leads ( for exchange of too short OEM-leads , necessary )
Versions :
Glassfiber-Airbox incl. Leads ,Snorkel and Filter ( black, black gelcoat, as pictured )
Carbon-Airbox incl. Leads ,Carbon-Snorkel and Filter
Optional (if you cannot fab it yourself) :
-Upper Bracket to lower the OEM Radiator
- Lower Bracket as 2nd mounting spot for OEM Radiator
-Waterduct with no Filler for those , who already have a big Rad with Filler
- Waterduct with Filler for those , who use the OEM Radiator
The Pictures :
More Pictures of the Airbox